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Inspiration and transfer of good practice: study trip to Norway

Eva Michálková


Inspiration and transfer of good practice: study trip to Norway

Thanks to the support from the Fund for Bilateral Relations within the EEA and Norway 2014-2021, we had the opportunity to gather inspiration during the study trip in Norway.

From 23rd to 26th September, six members of the proFem team participated in a study trip to Norway, aiming to increase the capacity of the organization in the area of direct work with victims of sexual violence, deepen the services provided and increase their complexity. To achieve this goal, we used the inspiration, good practices and useful practices transfer from established non-profit organisations and other institutions that work with victims of sexual violence or which otherwise influence the situation of victims of sexual violence.

During the four-day study trip, we managed to meet with the representatives of eight nonprofit organizations or institutions. We visited three centres for the victims of incest and sexual violence (Krise-og incestsenteret i Fredrikstad, Dixi Ressurssenter Oslo, Støttesenter mot incest og seksuelle overgrep Oslo), a crisis centre (Oslo Krisesenter), an organisation associating these Incestcenters (Fellesskap mot seksuelle overgrep), Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies (Nasjonalt kunnskapssenter om vold og traumatisk stress), Minstry of Justice and Medical Center for Victims of Sexual violence (Overgrepsmottaket).
