News | Profem


Despite the high numbers of GBV crimes, women often do not receive compensation

Almost 80 % of Czech women, who suffered some form of gender-based violence, will not… | více...

The European Protection Order and the ARTEMIS project final conference

Everything you wanted to know about the European Protection Order and were afraid to ask. | více...

Abuse is Not Love

1 in 3 women will experience intimate partner violence in their lifetime. It is time to… | více...

Center for victims of sexual violence

We are establishing a comprehensive and specialized centre for victims of sexual violence… | více...

How To Help Victims Of Violence Through The European Protection Order

The EPO is vital in protecting victims of violence across the European Union. The basic… | více...

One in two women has experienced some form of sexual violence/harassment

One in two women (over 18 years of age) has experienced some form of sexual violence or… | více...

A new platform fighting for crime victims’ legal rights

2019 could be found as an important year for the protection of crime victim’s rights. The… | více...

New infoline helps victims of sexual violence

From July we have been providing a new specialized service: a phone infoline for… | více...